Nearshore Oil Booms

For coastal and nearshore use, DESMI provides different oil booms and barriers in smaller sizes than for offshore, but still maintaining the integrity of the larger product offerings


Heavy-duty oil containment boom

The most effective, reliable and durable oil containment booms available today. A robust boom resistant to abrasion, oils and sunlight.


Air Inflatable Oil Containment Boom

The DESMI BOOM is an oil containment boom especially developed for the containment of oil floating on the surface of water. It is suitable in a wide range of environments and conditions and is very easy is to clean, maintain and repair. Deployment is very rapid using our high capacity air blowers.


Heavy duty rubber boom recovery system

Designed to allow for the collection of oil at greater speeds. The unique, high efficiency DESMI Speed-Sweep System is designed to either connect to a Ro-Boom system or operate as an independent collection unit. It can be towed either between 2 vessels or 1 vessel with a jib arm or paravane.

The GlobeBoom®

Heavyweight Urethanes and PVCs for permanent installations

...and lightweight Urethanes and Elvaloys* for quick response and easy handling.

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