Aviation Fuel Transfer by the U.K Armed Forces
Joint Operational Fuel System (JOFS) - U.K Armed Forces.
KBR - Joint Operational Fuel System (JOFS) Aviation Fuel Transfer by the U.K Armed Forces
We had supplied pumps previously direct to the end user (UK MoD) so the decision was taken that it was a worthwhile exercise to bid for the supply of suitable pumps on this occasion as we stood a good chance of being successful.
The main difference this time being that the pumps had to be ATEX marked – II 2GD c T4 X to comply with EU Health & Safety legislation.
KBR had already decided and convinced the end customer that the way to go as far as a compliant design was concerned was for the pumps to be hydraulically driven and ATEX marked which allowed the diesel engine driven power packs to remain relatively straight forward and positioned 15 metres away from the pump i.e. outside the hazardous zone and therefore not have to be ATEX marked.
Although we say straight forward both the pump units and power packs had to be designed in such a way to meet many strict requirements of the contractor and end user. Two of which were to be fully operational at -40 to +55 Deg C and at 3000 metres above sea level without a drop in performance. Other parts of the specification included almost impossible weight restrictions and the ability to be deployed by aircraft by parachute without damage.