UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (or Global Goals for Sustainable Development) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly.
The SDGs are part of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General Assembly: “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
For years, DESMI has been committed to sustainable growth and as a natural step now also to the UN sustainable development goals set up by UN, and we stand together with local authorities and other manufacturers to try to make a difference.
At DESMI we are committed to the UNDP goals within various business segments:
DESMI EnviRo-Care
The mission of DESMI EnviRo-Care is to reduce the plastic pollution of the oceans. Therefore, we aim to tackle the problem as close to the source of pollution as possible.

Goal 6

Goal 8

Goal 11

Goal 13

Goal 14

Goal 15

Goal 17
DESMI Ocean Guard
Ballast Water Management Systems:
DESMI Ocean Guard develops and sells ballast water management systems for the removal of living organisms from ships' ballast water.

Goal 14
DESMI Scrubber Pump Solutions
IMO has set a global limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships of 0.50% m/m (mass by mass) from 1 January 2020. This will significantly reduce the amount of sulphur oxide emanating from ships and should have major health and environmental benefits for the world, particularly for populations living close to ports and coasts.

Goal 13
DESMI Pumps for Heating & Cooling Applications
DESMI focus on energy efficient pump solutions. We are an active partner of the 4th Generation District Heating Research, which is about creating optimum energy efficient systems within District Heating temperatures down to 55 degr. C. and we provide energy efficient pumping solutions for water intake (e.g. seawater) and centralized cooling plants.

Goal 7

Goal 9

Goal 11

Goal 13
Goal 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 - We are committed to all four goals as there are higher efficiencies and better pollution control when using district heating and cooling compared to de-centralized systems. At the same time we take part in the development of infrastructure with renewable energy and climate action with the reduction of greenhouse gasses.
DESMI Pumps for AquaCulture Applications
Sustainability is a key element in all areas of the AquaCulture industry. The ongoing rapid development in the AquaCulture industry is continuously affected by the population growth, which is increasing the demand for farmed fish and wild catch, and DESMI pumps are used in the AquaCulture industry.

Goal 2
DESMI OptiSave
Energy Saving System – Optimizing Pump and Fan Speed to Current Conditions and Saving Fuel

Goal 13

UN Sustainable Development Goals
- English