High efficiency pumps for Aalborg District Heating
At the recently established pumping station, Stigsborg Bygade, in Nørresundby, Northern Jutland, four new DESMI centrifugal pumps are installed to supply district heating for a part of this area (7-8,000 residents). In connection with the new pumping station established by Aalborg District Heating, both esthetics and sustainability have been taken into consideration, which even appears clearly watching the pretty exterior timber cladding, the huge window sections, and the green grass covered roofing.
The best pumps for the purpose!
These are some of the words formulated
by Thomas Andreasen at Aalborg District
Heating when we were questioning him
about why DESMI centrifugal pumps were
selected by Aalborg District Heating for
the new pumping station.
When selecting the supplier of the new
district heating pumps for the pumping
station in Nørresundby, DESMI was
selected due to the following parameters:
• High efficiency
• Good price
• Compliance with the noise level required
Stigsborg Bygade Pumping Station in Nørresundby, Northern Jutland
“On the basis of the different parameters, DESMI
was selected due to the Total Cost of Ownership.
The efficiency of the pumps is high, as well as the
performance is really good”, says Thomas Andreasen
and continues: “Besides, an additionally high noise
level for the pumping station has been required; a
permissible emission level of maximum 35 decibels
– also a requirement met by the DESMI pumps
equipped with noise reducing motors”.
Moreover, Thomas says that the pumps are perfect
for low-temperatures, which this district heating
pumping station is operating at.
The circulation of the 60°C hot water is ensured by
these pumps, which is low temperature level within
the district heating business, and, which, among
other things, is achieved by recirculating the return
flow of cold water within the system.
The 4 pumps of the type NSL 125-265A12, NSL 125-
215A12, and NSL 100-215A12 are ready to pump a lot
of district heating circulating in the piping system for
many residents in the area.