Palm Oil Bulking Station chooses the DESMI ROTAN® pump
GSIP Kumai Palm Oil Bulking at ASTRA Group in Indonesia has installed two DESMI ROTAN® HD202 pumps which are to be used for pumping palm oil from storage tanks to barges.
The two pumps are located in PT. GSIP (Gunung Sejahtera Ibu Pertiwi) Bumiharjo – Central Kalimantan and in PT. WKP (Waru Kaltim Plantation) Penajam – East Kalimantan.
Visiting the bulking plant you see that this is a busy plant with lots of storage tanks that contains palm oil. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp of the fruit of the oil palms. The oil is used in food manufacturing, in beauty products, and as biofuel.
The two pumps are pumping 250-276 m3 palm oil per hour and run 21-22 hours – a total ship load of 5,000 tons per pump.
The two DESMI ROTAN® pump are the first (of hopefully many) GSIP Kumai Palm Oil Bulking has chosen, and both Bulking Head of PT. GSIP., Mr. Waltari and Technician of PT. GSIP Mr. Didit are happy about the decision. Not only is the ROTAN® HD pump measured to cope with 250 m3/h on paper, but the performance of our supplied ROTAN® HD202 delivered was even better than committed flowrate.