District Heating for HOFOR Kløvermarken

District Heating for HOFOR Kløvermarken

DESMI has provided HOFOR Kløvermarken with six DSL400-495 pumps. The pumps replaced the existing pumps that could not keep pace with the increased demand for heating. After installation, the pumps have performed well ever since.

The increased demand for heating necessitated construction and redesign of the pumping station, thus improving the heating supply for Amager that HOFOR is responsible for.

The project made it possible to provide the town centre with heating via a planned crossing of the harbour between Islands Brygge and Bernstorffsgade. The upgrade has furthermore improved the reliability of supply and made long-distance delivery of cheap heating possible.


Bjarne Gislason, project manager at HOFOR, says: "The pumps were chosen based on an overall evaluation. The project progressed without problems, and DESMI has been very flexible and co-operative during the entire process. The pumps have so far been running satisfactorily".