Building a sustainable future for us all

DESMI is pioneering solutions that help you point the way towards a future based on renewable energy sources, sustainable industry, and circular economy principles.

We optimize critical flow processes for
multiple industries, enabling commercial and military organizations to meet future demands for performance and growth.

  • Alternative fuels (e.g. LNG, methanol, and ammonia)
  • Liquefied gas cargoes
  • Balance of plant
  • And much more

Reduced climate impact of shipping and energy


Our main focus areas are flow solutions for alternative marine fuels, balance of plant solutions for the Power to X sector, and key flow control equipment for carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. We build on our decades of flow process experience to make a solid contribution to your projects, and to reduce the climate impact of the shipping and energy sectors.


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Pumps for Methanol Pump ships

People at Power-to-X plant

Market-ready products and technologies


While many of the technologies needed to reduce climate impact are still in their infancy, DESMI is already offering proven and market-ready technologies. Products like our magnetic drive pumps, deepwell cargo pumps, centrifugal pumps, and IoT solutions for monitoring and control can already make a difference today, and we will develop them further to drive the evolution of low or zero-carbon energy.


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The assistance you need


Our DeServe aftermarket and service teams provide the assistance you need to successfully transform bright ideas to practical, workable reality. Highly experienced and factory trained, they offer installation, commissioning, on-site service, repair, maintenance, and much more to ensure that all your pumps and supporting systems deliver the performance you need.


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DESMI Pumps for Power-to-X plant

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