District Cooling

District Cooling is an efficient and environmentally friendly utility service

- which provides chilled water from a centralised cooling plant (or cold water from the sea) through a network of pipes to multiple residential, industrial and commercial buildings for air conditioning purposes.

District Cooling is 40% - 60% more energy efficient than conventional systems - and reduces CO2 emissions. 


DESMI provides energy efficient pumping solutions for water intake (e.g. seawater) and centralized cooling plants (condenser pumps, chilled water pumps as well as pumps related to cooling tower applications).


The DESMI pump solutions are recognized as being highly energy efficient with low NSPH values. The pumps have a long life cycle and are very maintenance friendly

The DESMI pump solutions are recognized as being highly energy efficient with low NSPH values. The pumps have a long life cycle and are very maintenance friendly.


District Cooling Brochure

Energy Efficient Pumps and Pump Solutions for District Cooling

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