Ballast Water Management Made Easy

CompactClean is the first ballast water management systems on the market that combines very low space with large flow rates. The operation of the system is based purely on mechanical treatment and therefore it does not involve any use of chemicals or active substances. This eliminates risks of hazards to crew, vessel or the environment.


Vessels with a trading pattern, which often leads into USCG regulated waters can greatly benefit from the simplicity of the single mode operated CompactClean system. The operator will avoid any head aches in regards to operation as the ballast water is always treated according to the strict USCG rule set. CompactClean is the Safe Choice.


For vessels trading primarily in IMO regulated waters please see the CompactClean OptIMO line of systems. They have been optimized for operation in IMO waters, meaning you will be able to save cost on both CAPEX and OPEX.


For more information on the CompactClean Ballast Water Management System - click here

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