Visit from a working group under the UN Department of Field Support

May 2014

Visit from a working group under the UN Department of Field Support

Yesterday DESMI Defence and Fuel had a visit from a working group under the UN Department of Field Support. The Danish Major General K. Mosgaard is the chairman of the working group, and the members come from Pakistan, Unites States, Germany, Philippines and Denmark.

Department of Field support provides support in the areas of finance, logistics, Information, communication and technology, human resources and general administration to help missions promote peace and security. Fuel is significant part of any UN Missions and UN is redefining their way of handling fuel logistics in the future. Fuel pumping systems from DESMI can play a vital role in securing peace and security by offering rapid reactions capabilities. A solution which will be developed and offered together with the company NCS Fuel, which also participated in the visit. And with the backup from our two future entities in Ghana and Kenya.