Own Employees on Global Markets = the Road to Success

February 2015

Then DESMI can develop new solutions and concepts based on the customers’ actual requirements in the various markets!

The DESMI group, producing and selling pump systems and environmental equipment, has set up at 11 locations in Asia in recent years, and lately Dubai, Africa, and India have been added as new markets, where DESMI has hired own employees. The turnover exceeded DKK 900 million in 2014, and the company has thus seen a growth of approx. 15% compared to 2013. More markets will be added, so DESMI invests many resources in continued growth.

Our success can be directly ascribed to the fact that we are now globally present with own employees in all continents except Australia. Global presence makes sense – and a good example is seen in the marine market, where we make business with shipbuilders in one country, discuss solutions with designers in another country and with ship owners in a third country, and subsequently service the pumps globally. Therefore, it is imperative to be widely present,” says Henrik Sørensen, CEO at DESMI.


Customers prefer to make Direct Business
When entering new markets, DESMI endeavours to hire own employees in all primary markets, but as the company every year sells to more than 100 countries, DESMI also appoints agents and distributors.
Salesmen who are directly hired are however more dedicated, when it is their primary task to sell DESMI’s products. We also experience that customers appreciate to make direct business with us as a producer rather than to go through “price-raising” intermediaries who do not know our solutions and products as well as our own employees,” says Henrik Sørensen.


Knowledge for Development of New Solutions
When DESMI employees meet customers and are in direct dialogue with them, they pick up knowledge at the same time and the main office in Denmark applies this knowledge in development of new products and solutions.
The knowledge we get directly from the markets enables us to get a step further in our development work than if we should get the knowledge through agents and distributors. We find that we know our customers’ actual requirements, that we fully understand them, and that on this basis we can go home and further develop our solutions and concepts so they solve the future requirements of our customers – and that gives satisfaction,” says Henrik Sørensen and adds:
If you know the customers’ requirements, you will survive in the long run. Therefore, the key to our existence, growth and success is that we are present on the markets and always know the actual requirements. Our new ballast water treatment systems have been developed in co-operation with customers and leading technological partners and on the basis of knowledge about the actual working conditions, the actual quality of the water to be treated, the conditions in the harbours etc."


New Markets – New Employees
Even if the world economy is impacted by the crises in Russia, Ukraine, and Syria, decreasing oil prices, and the fact that the printing press for bank notes has been started in Europe, DESMI is still budgeting for further progress. The company is always looking for new opportunities and new markets and sets up business when the right employees have been found.
There are upturns and downturns in business, and we cannot impact the world market, but we must attack the markets and the opportunities we see and always adapt as there is a constant need for development if we wish to continue to grow. Therefore, we endeavour to set up business with own employees in markets, where there is a potential, but the first step is always to find the right employee,” explains Henrik Sørensen.

DESMI recently opened an office in Dubai, and the new office has employees of four different nationalities:

The employees currently include a German, two Indians, an Egyptian, and an employee from Uganda. When we have so many different nationalities, we get many angles and good input back in Denmark and DESMI becomes a more international company. In this way we get closer to the customer and get more knowledge about the different cultures and market conditions,” says Henrik Sørensen.


Start with a Desk and an Employee
When DESMI enters new markets, it requires a ”small” investment, but the philosophy is that we must be able to bear the costs.
An employee and a desk in a distant market is a good way to start, so that you build up the market gradually. That is what we do – we take small steps, but we do it at a good pace, so that we still see good progress. We do not start by taking much too long steps, but we lean forward and do not mind having wind in the face, as it is decisively important to us to be closer to the customers,” says Henrik Sørensen.

DESMI prefers to have own employees in all primary markets. This gives the company a direct and better dialogue with the customers and important knowledge back to the main office in Denmark.
The knowledge we get directly from the markets enables us to get a step further in our development work than if we should get the knowledge through agents and distributors. We find that we know our customers’ actual requirements, that we fully understand them, and that on this basis we can go home and further develop our solutions and concepts so they solve the future requirements of our customers – and that gives satisfaction,” says Henrik Sørensen, CEO at DESMI.
An employee and a desk in a distant market is a good way to start, so that you build up the market gradually. That is what we do – we take small steps, but we do it at a good pace, so that we still see good progress. We do not start by taking much too long steps, but we lean forward and do not mind having wind in the face, as it is decisively important to us to be closer to the customers,” says Henrik Sørensen, CEO at DESMI.



The above article was produced by the Danish Export Association and launched in the Export Magazine, February 2015.